High Rock Historical Highlights

A portion of this area, since a resolution of the City Council in 1972 has been known as the "Vietnam War Memorial Park". (link)

Some social media related posts:

5/24/19 - High Rock Memorial Day Hike on 5/27/19

5/25/19 - Documents related to successful CPA proposal

11/26/16 - Introduction to High Rock https://www.facebook.com/MaldenNewsNetwork/posts/1792434734328524

9/23/17 cleanup - https://www.facebook.com/MaldenNewsNetwork/posts/1923069961265000

12/2/17 Cleanup Recap - https://www.facebook.com/MaldenNewsNetwork/posts/1958834417688554

12/2/17 meeting plans- https://www.facebook.com/MaldenNewsNetwork/posts/1958055591099770

12/11/17 - Plant Identification Hike at High Rock https://www.facebook.com/MaldenNewsNetwork/posts/1962541443984518

6/10/18 cleanup - https://www.facebook.com/MaldenNewsNetwork/posts/2040706086168053

Improvement Proposal and Possible Plans (Draft)

High Rock Update, Discussions and Considerations for Enhancements

Tax maps - http://www.cityofmalden.org/content/gis-tax-maps

Tax Map Index - http://www.cityofmalden.org/sites/default/files/indextaxmap.pdf

Malden BEO / GIS Map - https://goo.gl/9TxVtv

The City's Online Parcel Viewer, including maps, is at http://www.maldengis.com. Also at https://maldenma.mapgeo.io/

Supporting Documents and Resources

In November 2016, a social media post described, in a relatively lengthy expose, some of the background and hinted history of "High Rock". You can read about that here: https://goo.gl/ChYbw8

In October 2017, a number of residents - from around the city - helped with a High Rock cleanup event. You can read about that event in the Advocate newspaper: https://goo.gl/V3UAtv

Sawyer 1917 Land grant - 4172-319

Sawyer 1917 Land grant - 4172-320

High Rock 1972 Vietnam Memorial Resolve (at site of Sawyer grant)

High Rock Deed / Plan 2011

High Rock Amended Deeds, June 26 2015

Malden CPC Implementation Presentation

Malden buys High Rock land for $1.85m (October 3, 2011)

Highrock Images from a Hike in November 2016

Tips on Tree Pruning and Maintenance

Considerations of Accessibility - note this effort at Fellsmere Park/Pond

A page of map related information can be found here

Historical Planning Documents (Document formats have been converted from original sources - e.g. including from doc to pdf and from tif to jpg - for easier viewing on the web - none of these should be considered official or original

High Rock Survey Map (2010)

Planning Case No 325072 (2009)

Mayor Letter 4.14.10

Mayor Letter 5.5.10

Williams St Ext Def Plan 4.14.10

Williams St Def Plan disapp 6.06

Williams Street Def Plan 6.06