Timeline of Events

A PDF with property description can be found at the following URL:


  1. Overhead / aerial image of property here
  2. CCRC-Senior Housing-Medical Description here
  3. For sale information here
  4. Aporoved Project Summary here
  5. Colliers Info as PDF here

2/8/1991 - Hospitals Using Wrist Sensors to Protect Patients https://www.nytimes.com/1991/02/08/us/hospitals-using-wrist-sensors-to-protect-patients.html

8/10/1992 - THE MALDEN HOSPITAL v. LEONARD G. DUNN, JAMES A. McDONALD, JR., FRANK W. FITZGERALD, JOSEPH R. CIMINO and CLAIRE CROKEN, as they are members of the MALDEN BOARD OF APPEAL. MISC 164183, http://masscases.com/cases/land/1992/1992-164183-DECISION.html

In 1999, a major section of the Malden Hospital operations was shuttered as was documented by Department of Health and Human Services OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL. It was reported that "The closure of hospitals in past years has generated public and congressional concern. We released a report in May 1989 describing the nationwide phenomenon of hospital closure in 1987. Subsequently, we issued annual reports for hospital closures from 1988 through 1998." The report states that "Sixty-four hospitals closed in 1999 -- 1.3 percent of all hospitals nationally. " In 1999, Malden Hospital was one of three urban hospitals that closed in Massachusetts that year.


6/14/01 - Minutes of the Board of Trustees of Mystic Valley Regional Charter School met and "discussed the pending purchase of the Malden Medical Center (counsel to obtain minutes of special meeting(s) called for that purpose). We should know whether we are acceptable bid within about 30 days. There was a prior vote to seek the funding and authorize the school to bid for the purchase..."

6/25/01 - Minutes of the Board of Trustees of Mystic Valley Regional Charter Schoo indicate "The Board discussed the pending negotations or the Malden Medical Center. The Mayor preferred taht the purchaser need no zoning relief; our school would not need any zoning change to operate there, so we believe we have a good chance of acquiring the building. Some other bidders in construction of housing were unlikely winnes.

Discussions but some Board members with Easter Bank proved unsatisfactory, as Eastern seemed unfamiliar with school acquisitions. They wanted no letter of credit, while Tucker Anthony, an invesment banker, needed one. Also, the Tucker Anthony fees seemed higher. But Tucker Anthony seemed at ease with the entire project, had a great deal of experience with substantial school acquisitions, and saw no stumbling blocks for our acquistion of the building. The parties are still negotiating price and rent. Tucker Anthony's fee is 1.5% plus lawyer's fees, costs and expenses.

After discussion, it was MOVED, SECONDED, and unanimously VOTED: to retain Tucker Antyony as investment banker for all purposes relative to the Malden Medical Center acquisition.

After discussion, it was MOVED, SECONDED and unanimously VOTED: To form a subcommittee, chaired by Mr. Brennan, who shall designate members thereof, to negotiate and handle all related matters involving the Malden Medical Cener acquisition, other than signing a Purchase & Sales Agreement (which will be presented to the Board for review and vote).

The total cost of the package would be about $9.5 Million, with 7 Million to buy and $2.5 Million to renovate and retrofit."

"In 2005 the City of Malden issued a special permit for a 300-unit CCRC facility on this 18-acre development site and the City of Malden has recently indicated that the special permit should be easily renewed if a qualified development firm submits a plan that is similar in the scope and scale to the plan submitted by the former development team."

2007 and 2008 - The permit, and the potential development at the Malden Hospital site, proposed by Beth Israel Deaconness Continuing Care, was likely impacted by the Real Estate Market crash which took place in the 2007 and 2008 timeframe. The proposed deal dissolved.

8/9/2009 - "Hospital property back on market Hallmark seeks new developer" at http://archive.boston.com/news/local/articles/2009/08/09/former_hospital_site_in_malden_goes_back_on_the_market/

2/27/2012 -HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES The Malden Hospital, then and now, https://www.wickedlocal.com/article/20120227/NEWS/30227957

9/15/13 - The Malden Observer reported "Malden officials want old hospital building gone". The story reports, "The issue was raised before the Malden City Council on Sept. 3 by Councilor Criag Spadafora, who proposed a resolution that the city considers taking the property by eminent domain." It continues, "The resoution was jointly sponsored by Spadafora and Ward 3 Councilor John Matheson, who represents much of the est End on the City Council." The article inicates the outcome of this action ws "The non-binding resolution tabled on Sept. 3, and city officials are now plannign to meet with Hallmark Health to discuss the issue."

A lawsuit spanned a number of years aftter this

10/18/2013 - Lawsuit “1381CV04563 Hallmark Health System Inc. vs. City Of Malden et al”, initiated in the approximate timeframe of 10/18/2013, https://www.masscourts.org. This would eventually be settled by jury decision in 2017.

11/3/13 - Hallmark Health sues city of Malden Dispute is over safety citations at closed hospital (Boston Globe)

There is the following video available on YouTube: 3/30/2015 - Video of City of Malden Neighborhood Meeting, and Presentation by Fellsmere Housing Group https://youtu.be/amRKmDIOJ7A

11/9/14 - Public Forum at Beebe School - Fellsmere Housing Group introduces proposal http://www.maldenhomepage.com/calendar.aspx?d=19&m=11&y=2014

" NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING 11/19/2014 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Mayor Gary Christenson and City Councillors John Matheson, Craig Spadafora, David D’Arcangelo and Debbie DeMaria will hold a meeting for residents on: Wednesday, November 19th at 6:30 PM, Beebe School Auditorium, 401 Pleasant Street The meeting is to introduce Fellsmere Housing Group’s proposal for the vacant Malden Hospital site. Fellsmere Housing Group (Tony Green, Bill Cress and Charlie Coolidge) will present a proposal for the potential purchase of the Malden Hospital site from Hallmark Healthcare for a mix of residential uses: assisted living apartments, conventional apartments, condominiums, and single family cottages, all to be built where buildings and parking exist today, while preserving the established surrounding tree buffer. We hope to see you there. "

12/3/14 - Malden Hospital 400-unit housing project redevelopment to extend into Medford, https://medford.wickedlocal.com/article/20141203/news/141209593

2/1/15 - Boston Globe journalist John Laidler reported, "Fellsmere Housing Group proposes to purchase the hospital site from Hallmark Health System and redevelop it into a mix of residential uses, including assisted living apartments, conventional apartments, condominium units, and single-family cottages. The firm has made some revisions to the plan in response to issues raised by residents at a meeting in December. Wednesday’s meeting is being organized by Mayor Gary Christenson, City Council president John Matheson, and councilors at large Craig Spadafora, David D’Arcangelo, and Debbie DeMaria." https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/regionals/north/2015/02/01/public-meeting-held-development-former-malden-hospital-site/UncolaOqzjTkjudIDcaMVM/story.html

2/4/2015 - Mayor Gary Christenson and Council President John Matheson with Councillors-at-Large Spadafora, D’Arcangelo and DeMaria will hold a meeting for residents on: Wednesday, February 4th at 5:30 PM at the Beebe School Auditorium, 401 Pleasant Street From 5:30 to 6:30 PM residents and elected officials will discuss the Malden Hospital Site and the proposal by Fellsmere Housing Group. At 6:30 PM Fellsmere Housing Group (Tony Green, Bill Cress and Charlie Coolidge) will join the meeting to discuss their updated proposal for the potential purchase of the Malden Hospital site from Hallmark Healthcare for a mix of residential uses: assisted living apartments, conventional apartments, condominiums, and single family cottages. The presentation from the first meeting is available at: www.fellsmerehousing.com. For more information, please call the City Council office at: 781-397-7130, or dial 311 - City of Malden resident information helpline. See http://www.cityofmalden.org/content/notice-malden-ward-3-neighborhood-meeting

3/20/15 - City of Malden, Neighborhood Meeting on Hospital Site

Approximately broken into first hour of presentations by City Officials (Mayors / Councillors) and second hour involving presentation by Fellsmere Housing Group officials

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amRKmDIOJ7A&feature=youtu.be&t=221
  2. https://youtu.be/amRKmDIOJ7A
  3. See also http://www.cityofmalden.org/content/malden-hospital-site-information-page

3/30/2015 - Video of City of Malden Neighborhood Meeting

Presentation by Fellsmere Housing Group https://youtu.be/amRKmDIOJ7A

3/30/15 - Hallmark, Partners review merger plans

June 9, 2015 minutes #118-15: “Order: That the City Council authorize the Executive Director of the Malden Redevelopment Authority to conduct an appraisal with respect to the Malden Hospital site at a cost of $24,000 more or less". (This meeting’s agenda is unavailable.)

6/10/15 - Malden Hospital development project opponents seek support from Medford officials, http://www.enterprisenews.com/article/20150610/news/150619776

6/16/15 - 387-15 On agenda: 6/16/2015 Communication and petition from the Fellsmere Heights Neighborhood Association (later to be known as Friends of Fellsmere Heights or FOFH) regarding the former Malden Hospital site.

Late in the 6/16/15 meeting there was an animated discussion related to obtaining an appraisal for the hospital site, related to 118-15 Order: That the Finance Committee meet with the Executive Director of the Malden Redevelopment Authority relative. The video is available at:

At one point, in the June 16, 2015 meeting long-time Councillor Craig Spadafora asked: “How is this Attorney Client Privilege?” “What Attorney?” Here are some notes (see video - https://youtu.be/cmxrKzdaVPo - A lot happened at this meeting!

  1. Spadafora and D’Arcangelo make clear their concerns about the ambiguity of this Appraisal work.
  2. Spadafora asks: “How is this Attorney Client Privilege?” “What Attorney?”
  3. Matheson states: “This is only in order to get a value of property in order to have a discussion”.
  4. Spadafora states: “It’s like we’re wasting money.”I’m not going to hide behind a meeting or the MRA. … If we’re going to do it, let’s do it on the floor and have everybody here.”
  5. Spadafora states: “The only way we could do something up there is probably a joint effort - we probably need Medford.”
  6. Matheson responds: “I’m not disagreeing with you. Step 1 is knowing what the value of the property is. An Eminent Domain appraisal would come next.”
  7. D’Arcangelo adds: “It’s premature to talk about any type of taking … I think we owe it to the tax payers to know what we’re dealing with up there … We couldn’t buy it even if we wanted.”
  8. Matheson continues: “I’ll add … the alternative to doing some diligence on behalf of the public in this regard means that we’re kind of stuck with whatever the site owner wants to send over …”

6/23/15 - Friends of Fellsmere Heights (FOFH) address the Council relative to redevelopment of the Malden Hospital Site. From the Minutes, "Prisco Tammaro of 56 Pine St. and Robert Doolittle, members of the Friends of Fellsmere Heights, addressed the City Council relative to redevelopment of the Malden Hospital site."

6/23/15, from the minutes, 118-15 came before the Council, Order: that the Finance Committee meet with the Executive Director of the Malden Redevelopment Authority relative to the Malden Hospital site", with sponsors D'Arcangelo, Matheson and Kinnon. The Minutes read, "A motion was made by Councillor D'Arcangelo that the Order be taken from the table. The motion carried by a unanimous vote." Then, it reads, "On a motion by Councillor D'Arcangelo, the Council voted by unanimous roll call vote to go into Executive Session to for the purpose of discussing the appraisal requested in Paper #118-15. The Council President declared that open discussion would be detrimental to the city's negotiating position. The meeting was recessed and executive session convened at 7:40 p.m. The executive session was adjoured and the open meeting reconvened at 9:05 pm." Discussion on this item appears to have continued in open session, where the Minutes read "A motion was made by Councillor D'Arcangelo that the proposed amendment be withrdawn. The motion carried by a unanimous vote." This discussion continued, "A motion was made by Councillor D'Arcangelo that the Order be amended to read as follows: Ordered: That the City Council request the Executive Director of the Malden Redevelopment Authority to conduct an appraisal with respect to the Malden Hospital site at a cost not to exceed $9,000.00. The motion carried by a unanimous vote."

6/30/15 resolution #434-15 states: "Resolve: That for a period of 30 months the City of Malden dedicate $5,000,000. of its financial reserves for the acquisition of the former Malden Hospital Site." (Minutes for the June 30th meeting are not available online)

7/4/15 - Candidate announces with focus on Hospital Site

7/31/15 - FriendsOfFellsmerePark.org established

8/1/15 - Fellsmere Park Cleanup

8/3/15 - "This should be preserved"

8/18/15 - Fellsmere Park Management Plan, Community Draft

8/27/15 - "Three-way race in Ward 3 focuses on Malden Hospital site",

9/15/15 - #490-15 - City Council considers Ballot question related to acquisition of hospital site land (link to agenda)

9/22/15 - Letter dated 9/22/15, from Hallmark Health to City Council (withheld from public review until January 2016)

10/14/15 - Sylvester Baxter Delta plaque re-discovered at Fellsmere Park in Malden

10/27/15 The Council President states their views on the hospital site: “I heard something said at the debate last week that, "well, there is a agreement - that they're under agreement and I think there's a legal nature to this agreement and I think that that misstates the facts in a fundamental way ... This hospital’s been a problem for a long time” - Councillor John Matheson, see Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZSw7IxarlQ or https://youtu.be/tZSw7IxarlQ

10/31/15 - Inquiry about September 22, 2015 Letter sent from Hallmark Health to City Council RE Purchase and Sale of Hospital Site. A subsequent public records request seeking release of this letter was initially denied but honored upon appeal to the State.

11/3/15 - Election Results and Ballot Question Results

11/8/15 - Fellsmere Park Clean-up

11/23/15 - Update - Initial Public Records Request for documents to the Hospital Site denied by the Malden City Solicitor

12/8/15 - From the City Council Meeting Minutes - Final December 8, 2015 665-15 Order: That the City Council meet in executive session to discuss appraisal of the Malden Hospital property. Sponsors: John P. Matheson, File #: 665-15 File created: 11/24/2015 In control: Committee of the Whole On agenda: 12/8/2015 Final action: 12/8/2015 Title: Order: That the City Council meet in executive session to discuss appraisal of the Malden Hospital property. A motion was made by Council President Matheson that the Order be adopted. The motion carried by the following vote: Yea: Anderson, Crowe, D'Arcangelo, DeMaria, Kinnon, Murphy, Nestor, Sica, Spadafora and Matheson The Council President declared that open discussion of relocation of City Hall Offices and the Malden Hospital appraisal report would be detrimental to the city's negotiating position. The open meeting was recessed and executive session convened at 7:45 p.m. Executive session was adjourned and the open meeting reconvened at 8:43 p.m.

December 15, 2015 to December 30, 2017 - Residential Building Moratorium

The Residential Building Moratorium was initially enacted as a 1 year moratorium but extended to more than two years. Initially, it was a moratorium on Multi-Family Dwelling Units (not including any application filed for or special permit, site plan approval, variance or building permit granted on or before the first publication of this ordinance amendment; and provided further that this provision shall not apply to property located in the Central Business District, the Rowe’s Quarry Reclamation District, or the Malden Center Revitalization Housing Development Incentive Zone, as established on December 9, 2014 . Enacted: 12/15/15 To end: 12/15/16, Reference Paper: 541-15

Extension of existing moratorium by 6 months to include Central Business District / Enacted: 11/22/16 To end: 6/30/17, Reference Paper: 387-16

Extension of existing moratorium by another 6 months and include all areas and zones not already included / Enacted: 6/6/17 To end: 12/30/17 Reference Paper: 233-17

12/24/15 - Historical Flashback - "On the Road to Malden Hospital"

1/12/16 - #25-16 - A discussion of the hospital site occupied about 15 minutes of the city council agenda. A resolution was proposed related to the hospital site: “That it is not feasible for the City to acquire the Malden Hospital site or a portion thereof at this time." (Meeting agenda)

Video of the approximately 15 minute discussion can be found at https://youtu.be/r3YkeLL7aro

Excerpts of comments by councillors at the 1/12/16 Council Meeting:

  1. "[I'm going to work on] getting some updated and accurate numbers...and report back" (Councillor Spadafora)
  2. "I am hoping for maybe a 90-day table on this... we have interested developers all seeking to do good at Malden Hospital... if we work together something great will prevail" (Councillor DeMaria)
  3. "I would ask that you consider sending it into Finance (committee) so that we might do a feasbility study and we'll set up a "Feasbility Committee" to do that feasibility study out of Finance... it's clearly a financial issue which would need to be tackled ... " (Councillor Kinnon)
  4. "we just had a citywide ballot question on this very issue ...I understand that there is a lot of things we need to study including demolition costs ... I would support taking a harder look in the Finance committee .... really drilling down on these numbers and what it means to the people of Malden and giving it its fair due" (Councillor Matheson)
  5. "I'm in support of stepping back, taking a look at this, referring it to Finance, and looking at it the same time we look at the CPA makes all the sense in the world" (Councillor Anderson)
  6. "this has been on the table for 15 years now... it's a very challenging issue ... we don't even own the property...we have control over what can be zoned there ... I definitely support it going into Finance and trying to find a way to get this moving. I think we need to loop the Administration in at some point and see if they can give us some bandwidth to help with it as well" (Councillor D'Arcangelo)
  7. "it's clear that we have some major projects ahead of us - namely Police Station and City Hall... I'd be interested to know exactly where we are in our bonding capacity to even consider purchasing such a huge parcel of land. However, ... we can still listen, we can still investigate ... and try to move forward for resolution of that particular property ... " (Councillor Condon)
  8. "I want to shed a little light on the rationale .... the last meeting of the year a number came in ... while it might be a quick review, the number was staggering from a demolition cost ... we know things sometimes the average resident doesn't ...that property is in desperate need of public safety equipment...they are out of code .... it's almost in my opinion collusion ... I want to make that property safe... in the meantime we can send this to Finance and look at the numbers hard and see what our options are as a community." (Councillor Spadafora)
  9. "... may I ask the Chair of Finance if we could possibly put a time limit on the review ... ?" (Councillor DeMaria)
  10. "It is a very complex issue - financially, structurally.... I could not sit here and give you an exact time - maybe in a few weeks I could do that. I can guarantee you this, the numbers that you'll get out of Finance Committee will be accurate and give you a straight amount as to what could happen, how things could be structured, or if it's simply impossible for us to financially handle." (Councillor Kinnon)
  11. "I would like to move to amend the resolution by adding that we investiage the deed and title of the property .... any title restrictions on it... for the benefit of the city of Malden" (Councillor O'Malley)

1/27/16 - After appeal to the State of Massachusetts, the State of Massachusetts contacted the Solicitor's office. After contact by state officials to the City of Malden, the Malden City Solicitor released the September 22, 2015 letter which had originally been sought

3/31/16 - What's happening with the hospital site? (and related ballot questions)

6/5/16 - Lantern Walk and Call for Public Hearing on Hospital Site

6/9/16- Malden Observer - "LETTER: Time for public hearing about hospital site" https://malden.wickedlocal.com/news/20160609/letter-time-for-public-hearing-about-hospital-site

9/22/16 -Update on Hospital Site (one year later?) by Fellsmere Housing Group

9/22/16 - Fellsmere Housing Group updated proposal posted http://courbanize.com/projects/fellsmere-housing/information

9/22/16 - Fellsmere Housing Group held a meeting at 100 Hospital Road with community - see https://www.facebook.com/MaldenNewsNetwork/posts/1763030237268974

11/15/16 - Malden residents and represntatives of the Friends of Fellsmere Heights prestned to a subgroup of the Medford City Council - see notes at this link

11/22/16 - Extension of existing moratorium by 6 months to include Central Business District / Enacted: 11/22/16 To end: 6/30/17, Reference Paper: 387-16

11/15/16 - Meeting of Medford Ad-Hoc Sub Committee focused on the Malden Hospital

11/15/16 - Medford's "Malden Hospital Ad Hoc Sub Committee", Presentation by S. Keleti, P. Tamarro, with J. Cyr (Friends of Fellsmere Heights)

11/18/16 - Citizen initiated Tour of Hospital Site - Fellsmere Housing Group provided tour and expressed willingness to speak with anyone else who might have questions.

12/22/16 - Hallmark Health finalizes merger with parent of Tufts Medical Center (Boston Globe)

"Before calling it a day Thursday, (Judge) Henry gave the parties one last nudge to discuss a settlement. "If you resolve it short of [March 13]," he said, "you'll make us happy, too."

December 2016 - Hospital update collating a number of files related to hospital site, including

12/22/16 - Advocate Newspaper covers the topic in a thoughtful piece entitled "Residents question the impact of development on city schools"

12/22/16 - Hallmark Health finalizes merger with parent of Tufts Medical Center (Boston Globe December 22, 2016)

12/29/16 - Citizen Inquiry on Status of Hospital Site Issue submitted via email

2017 ================================

1/4/17 "Considering the impact of new development on Malden’s school population", in the Malden Observer


January 6, 2017 - The Advocate Newspaper summarized actions taken related to the hopsital site in 2016 - https://www.facebook.com/groups/203302579826937/permalink/800237846800071/

In early February 2017, Hallmark Health reportedly filed "preliminary petitions" to subdivide the property known ad the "old Malden Hospital site".

This type of filing goes directly to Malden's Planning Board for review and consideration, and a review is expected to take place in the March timeframe. After a preliminary petition is filed, a final plan can be submitted (expected to be within 7 months.)

On 2/4/17, the City of Malden held a public meeting on the Residential Building Moratorium. Citizens attending mentioned the Hospital Site quite a number of times, perhaps more than any other single topic mentioned at the meeting. Notes from that meeting can be found at the following sites (duplicate posts on FaceBook and the web):

2/8/17 - Hallmark Health prepares contingency plan on Malden Hospital site - "The City Council has spoken in recent years about the possibility of taking some of the 21-acre site by eminent domain, but there are currently no such papers before the council and Matheson said he no longer foresees that path being taken."

"Before calling it a day Thursday, (Judge) Henry gave the parties one last nudge to discuss a settlement. "If you resolve it short of [March 13]," he said, "you'll make us happy, too."

2/15/17 - Jury trial starts Thursday between Hallmark, City of Malden

2/16/17 - Hallmark Health v. City of Malden trial delayed

3/8/17 - a Planning Board meeting reviewed subdivision plans at the hospital site. The planning documents were photographed and can be found at this link. The subdivision plans were not approved. Related documents can be found for the 57 Hospital Road decision, the 100 Hospital Road decision, and the preliminary staff report used in the planning board review of the subdivision plan.

On or about March 23, 2017, a Superior Court decision was reached in the testy trial of Hallmark Health System Inc vs City Of Malden et al, 1381CV04563 The proceedings involved a judge, a dozen jurors, a couple of expert witnesses, several past or present city employees, a councillor, executives from Hallmark Health, loads of lawyers and big budgets for case preparation. After a short deliberation of about two hours, the jury ruled in favor of Hallmark.You can find links to related reporting here.

03/30/2017 - The Superior Court's jury judgment was recorded in an online docket: “It is ORDERED and ADJUDGED:: JUDGMENT ON JURY VERDICT - This action came on for trial before the Court and a jury, the Honorable Bruce R. Henry, pre-siding, the issues having been duly tried and the jury having rendered its verdict, it is ORDERED and ADJUDGED: That the orders of Scott Fitzgerald dated October 15, 2013 be and hereby are annulled.” See https://www.masscourts.org

March 2017 Journalistic Recap of the Trial - http://www.maldenhistory.org/hospital/hospitalModern0/court/trial/recap.html

5/11/17 - "What will happen to the old Malden Hospital site?" reported by the Boston Globe, "In 2013, Malden ordered Hallmark to make repairs to the structure, including upgrades to the sprinkler and fire alarm systems. Hallmark balked, saying the building was safe, and sued the city. Get Fast Forward in your inbox: Forget yesterday's news. Get what you need today in this early-morning email. Enter email address Sign Up In March, a jury determined Hallmark did not have to complete the repairs. The city will not appeal, Mayor Gary Christenson said."


6/6/17 - Extension of existing moratorium by another 6 months and include all areas and zones not already included / Enacted: 6/6/17 To end: 12/30/17 Reference Paper: 233-17

11/17/17 - Order 466-17 was sponsored by Councillor Matheson, "That the City Council establish an Ad Hoc Committee on Malden Hospital Site Development." Minutes of that meeting indicate that "A motion was made by Councillor Matheson that the Order be adopted and an Ad Hoc committee on Malden Hospital Site Development, consisting of four Councillors and one resident be formed. The motion carried by a unanimous vote."

12/17/17 - Order 552-17 was put forward by Councillor Matheson that "the Malden Hospital Site Development Committee meet with the Medford committee." At the March 28, 2018 Council meeting, that same order was tabled - "A motion was made that the Order be tabled and send a second correspondence to Hallmark Health and invite them to meet with the committee for further discussion regarding the property. The two Ad Hoc Committees set up a date of May 23rd to meet jointly in Medford to allow the residents to give their input. The motion carried by a unanimous vote." (The May 23rd meeting was never held.)

Years earlier, in approximately February 2015, the same Chair (prior to the establishment of the MHSDC) met in a closed meeting with a different resident and the Fellsmere Housing Group at City Hall.

3/8/17 - a Planning Board meeting reviewed subdivision plans at the hospital site. The planning documents were photographed and can be found at this link. The subdivision plans were not approved. Related documents can be found for the 57 Hospital Road decision, the 100 Hospital Road decision, and the preliminary staff report used in the planning board review of the subdivision plan.

A PDF with property description can be found at the following URL:


  1. Overhead / aerial image of property here
  2. CCRC-Senior Housing-Medical Description here
  3. For sale information here
  4. Aporoved Project Summary here
  5. Colliers Info as PDF here

The online listing states

"In 2005 the City of Malden issued a special permit for a 300-unit CCRC facility on this 18-acre development site and the City of Malden has recently indicated that the special permit should be easily renewed if a qualified development firm submits a plan that is similar in the scope and scale to the plan submitted by the former development team."

January - February 2018 ================================

January 2018, Malden's Mayor Gary Christenson wrote a letter to the council encouraging a review of the Fellsmere Housing Group's proposal for the hospital site.

1/3/18 - WHAT SHOULD BE BUILT AT THE OLD MALDEN HOSPITAL SITE? A NEW COMMITTEE WILL DECIDE - "The Jan. 16 ad hoc Committee on Malden Hospital Site Development is expected to be held before the Malden City Council meeting."

1/16/18 - The Malden Hospital Site Development Committee met with an agenda as posted at https://cityofmalden.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx The agenda is here. The meetnig minutes as initially posted are here, however, they need to be updated with corrections.


1/21/18 - Itemlive posted an article "Malden and Medford Could Join Forces on Malden Hospital Site", see that link here

1/23/18 - meeting, a communication was read from the Mayor regarding the Malden Hospital Site. The letter stated: "I am requesting that the City Council refer this matter to the Hospital Site Review Committee for public discussion since this committee is tasked with identifying and recommending proposals that make sense for our community." The letter continued describing the overall importance and scope of this matter: "From a financial perspective, the level of private investment will approach $100 million and when completed, the project will generate an estimated $1.2M in tax revenue after expenses on an annual basis. The proposal also includes nearly $500,000 in one-time infrastructure improvements that could be used to make further enhancements to the nearby pond and park and/or be used for affordable housing. Moreover, I believe that this proposal will be attractive to the state and serve as a catalyst to the City's ability to seek Massworks funding for associated infrastructure improvements ..." That letter is linked to here. Itemlive covered this story (on 1/25/18): "Developer Makes a New Bid for the Old Malden Hospital Site", at this link.

Two members of the Malden Hospital Site Deveopment Committee (MHSDC) - the Chair and the Resident Member - met privately with Fellsmere Housing Group, not in open meeting and without other members of the MHSDC. As of July,no further public discussion reviewing the Fellsmere Housing Group plan was taken up by the Malden Hospital Site Development Committee, as anticipated by the Mayor's letter of 1/23/18.


Wicked Local covered the meeting with an article: "Medford, Malden councilors meet to discuss future of Malden Hospital" at this link

Feb 2018 ================================

February 28, 2018 - The Malden Hospital Site Development Committee held a meeting with agenda posted at https://cityofmalden.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx - The agenda is here.

March - April 2018 ================================

3/28/18 - The Malden Hospital Site Development Committee held a meeting with agenda posted at https://cityofmalden.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx - The agenda is here.

4/3/18 - Fellsmere Housing Group Presents to Council http://cityofmalden.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=183

4/3/18 - "Fellsmere Housing Group appeared before the Council and shared their new plans for development of the Malden Hospital site" - presentation (during the guest section of the agenda) to the City Council. This described the latest updates to their proposal for the hospital site. Video is available at http://cityofmalden.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=183

You can see additional notes at https://www.facebook.com/MaldenNewsNetwork/posts/2011910725714256.

A letter was read into the record from Secretary Jay Ash of the Executive Office of Housing & Economic Development. A transcript is here, and a scanned copy of the letter is here.

The meeting opened with the City Clerk reading a letter sent from Mass Works to Mayor Christenson into the record (https://www.mass.gov/service-details/massworks). That letter offered financial support from the state to the City of Malden - in the amount of $2.5M - tied to the redevelopment of the Malden Hospital site.

4/17/18 - item 224-18 was introduced by At-Large Coucnillor Craig Spadafora during the City Council meeting. The action called for "The Fellsmere Housing Group and Friends of Fellsmere Heights to present their proposal of a zoning overlay allowing clustered mixed of residential housing at the former Malden Hospital Site to the Rules & Ordinance Committee."

Councillor John Matheson moved to table the item, which was seconded by Councillor Barbara Murphy, and it was tabled.

At this meeting Matheson put forward a new “Committee Report” from the Ad Hoc Committee he chairs. This item had not been listed on the official Council agenda along with the other “Committee Reports”. This led to a seven minute discussion, with multiple references including important city communications involving the City Solicitor, reference to Executive Session, and discussion of past and future correspondence with the owners of the Malden Hospital site. It is likely some of the attendees who left earlier in the evening would have stayed longer had they known in advance this item would be discussed. See more details at this link

4/17/18 - Councillor Matheson Committee Update / Letter https://www.facebook.com/FriendsOfFellsmereHeights/videos/1643500469069293/

4/17/18 - Send FHG and FoFH Proposals to Ordinance for "Zoning Overlay" https://www.facebook.com/FriendsOfFellsmereHeights/videos/1642623175823689/

4/17/18 Council meeting, a plan was reached for the City Council President to send a letter to the owners of the hospital site, indicating a desire to follow-up. See a related article at https://www.facebook.com/MaldenNewsNetwork/posts/2017875891784406

4/23/18 - Brian DeLacey met with Mayor Christensonr, Deborah Burke and Ron Hogan to discuss and review "Fellsmere: It takes a Village. This was the underlying framework for what would become the "Hospital Hill" plan to be released within the week.

4/27/18 - Details of a new proposal, titled "Hospital Hill" were shared publicly. You can find those early details at this link.

May - July 2018 ================================

On May 1, 2018, the "Hospital Hill" proposal was formally submitted to the Clerk of Committeees with copies to Council members on the evening of this City Council meeting.

As part of the Guest agenda, "Friends of Fellsmere Heights will appear before the City Council to give a presentation" (FOFH)

Video of this presentation is available at http://cityofmalden.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=187

Notes of that meeting at https://www.facebook.com/MaldenNewsNetwork/posts/2023903764514952

5/1/2018 - Councillor Matheson praising Friends of Fellsmere Heights https://www.facebook.com/FriendsOfFellsmereHeights/videos/1655894571163216/

5/1/18 - FoFH Presents to City Council http://cityofmalden.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=187

6/5/18 - City Council President Debbie DeMaria, Councillor John Matheson, former Malden City Clerk Karen Anderson met with Bobbi Carbone, MD, MBA Interim President and CEO, MelroseWakefield Healthcare - City officials meet with representatives of Malden Hospital and discuss various topics, reportedly including zoning.

6/6/18 - episode of Mr. Ed Lucey's 02148 show, airing on MATV, focused on the various proposals circulating around the Malden Hospital site. You can find that hour-long video http://vp.telvue.com/preview?id=T01001&video=335502

6/7/18 - Meeting hosted by Fellsmere Housing Group at Malden Family Health Center - invitation announcement linked here

6/21/18 - Rumor of CPA Funding used to buy hospital site? 2018 06 21@0600 Mayor Facebook Live 04 04 CPA process Hospital https://youtu.be/K90fO55qBNs

6/26/18 - a number of residents spoke in favor of untabling 224-18, in order to review and vette all proposals for developing the Malden Hospital site through the Rules & Ordinance subcommittee. (All proposals known at that time required some form of zoning change.)

6/28/18 - See the "Advocate News Online" article at https://advocatenews.net/public-comments-on-hospital-fail-to-sway-city-council/

The President of Friends of Fellsmere Heights (FOFH), spoke in opposition to untabling, favoring to leave legislative initiatve 224-18 tabled..

The City Council refused to act on the untabling - one councillor made a motion to discuss this based on citizen input raised as part of Public Comment, however, no second followed. The Advocate story covers this at: https://advocatenews.net/public-comments-on-hospital-fail-to-sway-city-council/ -

Video of the 6/26/18 meeting is at http://cityofmalden.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=206

6/27/18 - the Ward 3 Councillor held a ward meeting and unveiled and advocated for his own development proposal at the hospital site which he referred to as "The Matheson Plan". This was held after the last Council meeting before summer recess. The plan requires zoning changes. See http://www.maldenhistory.org/W3June2018/.

6/28/18 - Advocate article "Public comments on hospital fail to sway City Council" at https://advocatenews.net/public-comments-on-hospital-fail-to-sway-city-council/

7/4/18 -, three meetings of the Malden Hospital Site Development Committee (MHSDC) were held between its establishment in Nov 2017 and July 4, 2018. No committee minutes had been posted during this seven month timeframe. (See link.) Written requests were submitted seeking minutes.

7/6/18 - Advocate runs a story, Hospital site debate heating up, at this link

7/26/18 - only minutes for the Januuary 16, 2018 MHSDC meeting had been posted.

11/27/18 - MEDFORD AD HOC SUB COMMITTEE MALDEN HOSPITAL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2018@ 6:00PM Includes video 50+ minutes at https://bit.ly/2S78RUv

1/3/19 - Malden Hospital’s time may have arrived By Barbara Taormina https://advocatenews.net/malden-hospitals-time-may-have-arrived/?fbclid=IwAR1We3DewnEd4LqAA0oQ3mUk6_-aCIQB-9btksXPGzRDNvRL6Cv3Wu6UqpA

1/16/19 - Board of Appeal Public Hearing http://www.cityofmalden.org/content/board-appeal-public-hearing-17 Variance Hearing RE: In & Out Convenience

Here is video link https://youtu.be/gXYDKfQExbA letter read into the record beginning approximately 25.50 with reference to the hospital site mentioned at 30.25

2/11/19 - Councillor Ryan O’Malley revealed a proposal/presentation which was in circulation and discussion amongst city officials. This proposal involved a joint effort and coordinated actviity between the city of Malden and the Mystic Valley Regional Charter School to acquire the Malden Hospital property. This plan was reportedly prepared by a Mystic Valley Regional Charter School (MVRCS) board member who is a former Malden city councillor. The plan has reportedly been then discussed and shared itwith Malden city official and Friends of Fellsmere Heights. This is referred to as the “NK-MVRCS Plan”.