Leighton & al to Malden Hospital Know all men by these presents That we Rufus Leighton and Caroline C Leighton his wife in her right, book of Malden in [] County of Middlesex and Commonwealth of Massachusetts in consideration of One dollar and other valuable considerations to us paid by the Malden Hospital, a corporation duly established under the laws of said Commonwealth the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged do hereby give, grand, bargain, sell and convey unto the said Malden Hospital and its assigns, the following piece or parcel of land []ated in said Malden being a part of lot numbered one (1) on plan of land belonging to the Malden Highlands Company recorded with Middlesex So Dist Deeds, Book of Plans 10, Plan 20 and bounded as follows: beginning at the northwest corner of said [lot] on Murray Street; thence running Easterly on Fellsmere Park one hundred thirty four and 58/100 (134.58) feet to a drill hole in a ledge; thence Southwesterly by land of Agnes [C] Tribble one hundred fifteen and 13/100 (115.13) feet to said Murray Street thence Northwesterly by said Murray Street one hundred twelve and 22/100 (112.22) to the point of beginning; containing siz thousand five hundred sixty-seven (6567) Square feet, be any or all of said measurements and contents more or less, or howe[ver] otherwise said premises may be bounded and described; being the same premises conveyed to said Caroline C Leighton by dee[d] of Thomas R Howard, dated July 24, 1895, and recorded with Middlesex So Dist Deeds, Book 2387, Page 73. To have and to hold the granted premises, with all the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the said Malden Hospital and its assigns, to their own use and behoof forever. And we hereby for ourselves and [our] heirs, executors, and administrators, covenant with the grantee and its assigns that said Caroline C Leighton is lawfully seized in fee-simple of the granted premises, that they are free from all incumbrances that we have good right to sell and convey the same as aforesaid; and that we will and our heirs, executors, and administrators shall warrant and defend the same to the grantee and its assigns forever against the lawful claims and demands of all persons. In witness whereof we the said Rufus Leighton and Caroline C Leighton hereunto set our hands and seals the twenty third day of September in the year one thousand [nine] hundred and eleven. Signed and sealed in presence of George W. Burke. Rufus Leighton {seal} Caroline C Leighton {seal} Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Middlesex ss. Melrose Sept 23rd 1911. Then personally appeared the above named Caroline C Leighton and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be [her] free act and deed, before me: George W. Burke Justice of the Peace Middlesex ss. Oct 3, 1[9]11. At 3h 10m PM, received and recorded. One word underlined & six stricken out.