Converse to Malden Hospital Know all men by these [presents] that I Elisha S. Converse of Malden in the County of [...] Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in consideration of one dollar and other valuable considerations paid by The Malden [H]o[s]pital, a corporation duly organized under the laws of [s]aid Commonwealth, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl[e]dged, do hereby remise, release, and forever quitclaim unto the [s]aid The Malden Hospital its successors and assigns all that [p]arcel of land in said Malden comprising lot numbered [five] (5) and the larger part of lot numbered six (6) on a [p]lan of land of the Malden Highlands Company, dated May [..,] 1857 and recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds, in book [of] plans No. 10 - plan 20, and bounded southerly by Murray [street] two hundred thirty five and six tenths (235.6) feet; west [..y] by said Murray street ten hundred & fifteen and six tenths [(1015].6) feet; northerly by land part of lot six and land for[mer]ly of Gale and land of P. S. Page five hundred seventy five [(5]75) feet and easterly by Cedar street about one thousand and [eig]hty-one (1081) feet to the boundary begun at. Containing [ab]out three hundred sixty six thousand nine hundred and [eig]hty-nine (366989) square feet. For grantor's title see deeds from [Phi]lip S. Page and Hugh K. Moore recorded with said Deeds, book [..2] page 591 and book 1871 - page 41. Subject to the taxes of 1890 [whi]ch the grantor agrees to pay; A small part of said land [is] located in Medford, or however otherwise bounded, meas[ure]d or described; with the rights, easements, privileges, and [appur]tenances thereto belonging. To Have and To Hold the [..] released premises, with the privileges and appurtenan[ces] thereto belonging to the said The Malden Hospital and its [assi]gns, to their use and behoof forever. And I do hereby for my [...] and my heirs, executors and administrators, covenant with [the] said grantee and its assigns that the granted premises [be] free from all incumbrances made by me except as afore[said] and that I will and my heirs, executors, and administra[tors] shall Warrant and Defend the same to the said [gran]tee and its assigns forever against the lawful claims and demands of all persons claiming by, through, or under [...] except as aforesaid, but against none other. And for the con[sider]ation aforesaid I Mary [D]. Converse wife of said Elisha S [Conv]erse do hereby release unto the said grantee and its assigns rights of or to both dower and homestead exemption in the [gran]ted premises. In Witness Whereof we, the said Elisha S. [Conv]erse and Mary [D]. Converse have hereunto set our hands and seals this fourteenth day of May, in the year of our Lo[rd nine]teen hundred and ninety. Elisha S Converse {seal}. Mary [D]. Converse {seal}. Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence of Com[mon]wealth of Massachusetts Middlesex ss. May 14th 1890. Then [form]ally appeared the above named Elisha S. Converse and a[knowl]edged the foregoing instrument to be his free act and [deed] before me - E. [T]. Bickford, justice of the Peace. Middlesex ss. June 10 - 1890. Rec'd & Recorded [.... B Stevens]