Interested in helping make progress at the old Malden Hospital site?

As you may know, there are various individual and group efforts related to the old Malden Hospital site. It seems to me, the community has had to wait far too  long for far too little progress. Malden can (and should) do better. 

To oversimplify, there are a half-dozen approaches circulating in the community:

  1. Do nothing (which is the net result since about 1999);
  2. Turn this area into completely open space / parkland;
  3. Take action to enable some form of "smart development" (residential, commercial, or some other form) by an established developer that is good for the community;
  4. Purchase the land through community fund-raising and undertake subsequent development through that vehicle;
  5. Maximize development density and profitability on the available footprint;
  6. Take the land (some or all of it) by Eminent Domain.

Suggestions for appropriate use of this land have included affordable housing, senior housing, or and commercial development (e.g. a restaurant or hotel). Any other options you can think of? 

This situation continues to have direct and indirect (detrimental) impacts on our community (financial, quality of life etc.).  

Two of the major concerns related to development of this area is impact on schools and traffic.