The Future of the Malden Hospital Site

Between 2015 and 2019, there were a number of proposals circulated. It appears none have been formally considered by city officials, through formal review process such as might take place by discussion, deliberation and voting in any city public body.

At June 7, 2018, there were four proposals which had been discussed or presented in various city circles / meetings related to the future of the Malden Hospital site.

These included the following:

At a June 27, 2018 Ward 3 public meeting, a fifth plan was introduced to the public, self-described by the presenter at that meeting as "The Matheson Plan". Multiple Public Records requests seeking this plan have been submitted. As of 5/13/19, this presentation has been withheld from public disclosure and an order from the state is pending related to the release of this presentation.

In early February 2019, a sixth plan was revealed. It's unclear when that plan was produced or circulated, but it reportedly was discussed privately with a number of city officials and residents. On February 15, 2019, an apparent version of this plan was posted to the "Kinnon for Malden" FaceBook page.

To recap, here are links to details referring to latest versions of proposals which have been publicly disclosed. In cases where the actual proposals have been shared, we've included links.

  1. Fellsmere: It takes a Village - this presentation / proposal was discussed in a meeting sought by Brian DeLacey and held with Mayor Christenson, Deborah Burke and Ron Hogan. It evolved into the Hospital Hill proposal.
  2. Hospital Hill - 2018 is a proposal growing out of conversations with community members seeking a financially feasible way forward - you can find an hour-long video on related discussion of this of MATV's 02148 show at this link.
  3. Fellsmere Housing Group key elements of their plan here.
  4. Friends of Fellsmere Heights, a 501C3, at
  5. The Matheson Plan revealed 6/27/18 meeting notes at this link
  6. Community Preservation and Open Space Recreational Plan 2.14.2019 (NK Draft) 2/14/19 posted here
  7. Hospital Hill - 2019 incorporates concept proposal for Atlantic Hotel and Veterans Village

The early history of the old Malden Hospital site is here.

The modern history of the old Malden Hospital site is covered here.

Some other hospital highlights are recapped at this link.